There could have also been a POW camp near the Everfree Forest-One that several prisoners escaped and went to live in Everfree. This base could still be in operation as a reserve unit, but tensions between the foreigners and locals could still be high. A training base was set up near Ponyville, where soldiers from other nations (and species) would often come to train. All of whom were affected by the fight in different ways. Shining Armor also fought in the war, alongside Cadence and Prince Blueblood. Now returned to civilian life, much of his reticence is due to him dealing with his experiences in the conflict. His parents died in the war and he fought in their memory. Big Macintosh was a Master Sergeant in the Equestrian Army, and one of the most decorated soldiers ever. Several of the characters we know and love were veterans of this conflict or involved in other ways, which could alter how the story goes: Nightmare Moon returns about five-ten years after the war ended. Equestria was allied with the Griffin Kingdoms, Yakyakistan, and other nations, and after an intense conflict lasting almost ten years, the Allies were victorious. A large global war, against the nations of Wulfenstein (populated by wolf and other lupine/canine men) The Penguin Empire (ruled by evil, ice magic wielding penguins as a reference to G1) and other magic wielding kingdoms conquered or allied with these main two powers.

Here's an idea: An AU where before Nightmare Moon's return, Equestria had been at war.